A little bit about me...

I did the "normal thing" and got a college degree and worked a stable accounting job where I ended up revamping and improving old accounting systems.I felt at peace working that "boring accounting job" and was settled down and complacent until life gave me a kick in the pants and my kid was born sickly (my kid is healthy now).Not only would child care in the Boston area cost my entire take-home salary, it would also not give my child what they needed to thrive.So I knew that I needed to make moves and do it fast.I took a leap of faith in myself that people still tell me I'm crazy for even considering doing it.I quit my job to stay home to care for my kid and went professional in online poker to pay the bills while building a design licensing business.I won't pretend it was easy or glamorous because it wasn't.I had self-doubts.But the work had to be done.So I had to figure out how to do it efficiently because I didn't have much time to do it.To get all that done in the limited time I had available I had to cut straight to the highest leverage activities and build systems around pulling those levers as frequently as possible for both poker and the design licensing business.I managed to make ends meet and reach my goal of transitioning into relying on the design licensing business to pay the bills.All while staying at home with my kid.Now I've taken that design licensing business passive and am taking all the lessons I've learned to make systems that apply to writing to maximize impact.I still run my kid's afternoons and evenings.Those aren't negotiable for me.So you can bet I'll be systematic, leveraged, and efficient as possible with every action I take.In this case, that means I write premium copy for premium clients as a copywriter.And I want to help you do the same thing.